Ⅲ Academic Integrity Policy (学問的誠実性方針)
1 Policy 方針
Tokyo Gakugei University International Secondary School (TGUISS) believes that academic integrity is a crucial moral element in our teaching and learning that helps students to become responsible and principled global citizens while aiming to embody the IB learner profile. TGUISS teachers fully understand the importance of teaching academic integrity and concrete measures whereby instilling these values within the students. TGUISS staff members including teachers and librarians collaboratively determine the academic policy and concrete measures for students. Academic integrity will be supported across subjects and grade levels at all times throughout all years of instruction by the entire teaching staff at TGUISS. TGUISS teachers provide explanation of the academic integrity policy to students as well as guidance whenever necessary. TGUISS thinks it is most important to provide an academic environment that ensures the prevention of academic dishonesty.
2 Academic dishonesty 不正行為
- Exam misconduct 試験に関する不正行為
Exam misconduct is defined as 1) wrongly obtaining exam information before the exam administration, 2) exchanging and/or copying information intentionally while any exam is taking place, 3) bringing in material and/or device other than those permitted by the examiner, 4) disobeying any rules, guidelines, instruction presented by the examiner, 5) falsifying any data on any exam after the exam papers are collected. In addition to formative and summative performance assessment tasks, some courses at TGUISS offer exams during special exam period at the end of each term. Students are advised to read and follow the school guidelines on taking exams. (Please see attachment.) The content of the guideline is explained and reinforced to the students at homeroom meetings and to guardians through school newsletters prior to the exam period.
- Collusion なれ合いによる不正行為
Collusion is defined as a candidate supporting another by way of allowing his/her work to be copied or submitted for assessment by the other candidate. TGUISS uses various tasks such as projects, essays and reports in assessing students. On occasions when collaboration with other candidates is encouraged, there will be a strong emphasis that the final work must be done individually. Teachers, when giving instructions about these tasks, verbally and repeatedly warn students about unwarranted collusion.
- Duplication of work 重複(再利用)に関する不正行為
Duplication of work is defined as the submission of any work, for assessment and/or diploma requirements, which has already been assessed in a previous subject or task. In addition, translation of students’ own work is considered duplication of work. TGUISS uses various tasks such as projects, essays and reports in assessing students. Teachers, when giving instructions about these tasks, verbally and repeatedly warn students about duplication of work.
- Plagiarism 剽窃に関する不正行為
Plagiarism is defined as the use of ideas or work of another person as the candidate’s own. TGUISS uses various tasks such as projects, essays and reports in assessing students in all subject classes. Teachers, when giving instructions about these tasks, verbally and repeatedly warn students about plagiarism. Candidates will be warned that information taken from both printed materials and the Internet must not be used without acknowledgement. Moreover, copying works of art, music and drama without referencing will be considered as plagiarism. Many students in TGUISS are expected to be proficient in two languages. Therefore, TGUISS teachers strongly warn students that translating passages from the Internet and using it as their work without acknowledging their sources is another type of plagiarism. TGUISS incorporates units that focus explicitly on matters pertaining to plagiarism. TGUISS is currently utilizing Turnitin to fortify academic integrity in our school community.
3 Referencing 参考文献
In order to pay respect to works of others, TGUISS instructs students to use referencing style designated by each subject department. For classes taught in English (English language and literature, English B, Visual Arts), Modern Language Association (MLA) style should be used, and for other subjects taught in Japanese, referencing styles appropriate for relevant academic disciplines are used. Students are instructed across subjects and grade levels to adequately use designated referencing style.
4 Investigation 不正行為に関する調査
Any malpractice will be subject to serious repercussions, ranging from verbal warnings to the offending student and his/her parent(s)/guardian(s) to expulsion from school, as decided by meetings between teachers and relevant stakeholders.
When a TGUISS staff member suspects any sign of malpractice, the case is to be reported to the relevant subject department head. The DP coordinator will be notified when a DP student is involved. A group of teachers will undertake the investigation. If the investigation reveals malpractice, then the case is reported to the homeroom teacher, student guidance division head teacher and school administration. A group of teachers consisting of student guidance division teachers, the homeroom teacher, the teacher who raised suspicion, and administration will consult to determine disciplinary measures. Disciplinary measures range from verbal warning to expulsion from school. Disciplinary measure(s) identified appropriate by the school will be reported to guardian(s) and careful follow-up measures will be collaboratively considered by the school and the guardian(s).
If a case of malpractice is revealed in the external assessment, it will be handed over to the final award committee of the IB. If the final award committee judges that academic dishonesty has been in practice, marks will not be given for the subject(s) concerned and an IB Diploma will not be awarded to the candidate.
不正行為がDP外部試験で発覚した場合、処分はIBのFinal Award Committeeへ一任されます。IBが不正行為があったと判断した場合には、試験の点数が与えられず、DP資格も取得することができなくなります。
International Baccalaureate Organization, 2009. Diploma Programme Academic honesty. http://occ.ibo.org/ibis/occ/Utils/getFile2.cfm?source=/ibis/occ/spec/coord.cfm&filename=general%2Fspecific_interest%2Fmalpractice%2Fg_0_malpr_sup_1107_1_e%2Epdf Accessed 2014/09/02 P. 3
International Baccalaureate Organization, 2009. The Diploma Programme From principles into practice. http://occ.ibo.org/ibis/occ/Utils/getFile2.cfm?source=/ibis/occ/spec/coord.cfm&filename=dp%2Fd_x_dpyyy_mon_0904_1_e%2Epdf Accessed 2014/09/02 P.12
International Baccalaureate Organization, 2011. General regulations: Diploma Programme. http://occ.ibo.org/ibis/occ/Utils/getFile2.cfm?source=/ibis/occ/spec/coord.cfm&filename=dp%2Fd_0_dpyyy_reg_1201_1_e%2Epdf Accessed 2014/09/02
Jude Carroll, Academic Honesty in IB, IB Position Paper, October 2012.