Ⅱ Assessment Policy (評価方針)
1 Philosophy of assessment 評価に関する考え方
Tokyo Gakugei University International Secondary School (TGUISS) believes that assessment is an integral part of teaching and learning; as such, assessment, teaching and learning go hand in hand and should be dealt with as a whole rather than as separate entities. We view assessment as a basis for students to reflect on their progress in learning as measured against course aims and objectives, as well as for teachers to reflect upon the quality of course design and instruction. Assessment is done for the sole purpose of enhancing learning for students and not for the purpose of reprimand, reward or ranking.
Policy, purpose and procedures of assessment at TGUISS are transparent to students, guardians and staff members to ensure fairness, accountability and to assure consistent quality. In addition, periodical review of assessment policy will take place.
2 Purpose of assessment 評価の目的
The purpose of assessment is to enhance student learning. Assessment should give timely feedback on teaching and learning to students, teachers, and student guardians. Integrity of teaching, learning and assessment will promote positive student attitudes towards learning as well as deep understanding of subject content. This facilitates connections with other subject content and further inquiry in real-world contexts. For this purpose, TGUISS uses a combination of formative assessment and summative assessment.
Formative assessment will be used throughout the course to promote understanding of content, development of skills and attitudes targeted in the course. Summative assessment will be used through assessment tasks developed by teachers to evaluate students for the purpose of official grading. Students are to develop understanding, skills and attitudes through appropriate formative assessment and no summative assessment will be used in the areas that had not been dealt with in formative assessment. In addition, TGUISS makes assessment of students’ achievement against aims and objectives in the course and does not make assessment of students’ achievement against achievement of other students. Assessment is criterion-referenced, and the nature of assessment is explained fully to students and guardians.
3 Assessment procedures 評価の方法について
All students are expected to hand in completed tasks in a timely manner, as this is indispensable for prompt teacher assessment and feedback. In cases of late submissions or no submissions, teachers are to make every effort to enable students to complete the work, giving them support sessions after school if necessary.
In the case of prolonged truancy and special-needs students, a consultation is held among teachers in academic affairs with the student guidance department, grade-level heads and student guardians to consider the best course of action. Teachers must assign a zero for one or more criteria in any given subject for students with no completed tasks submitted.
TGUISS emphasizes both learning outcomes and the learning process. Assessment at TGUISS will flow in the following manner.
DP生の課題締め切り一覧は、TGUISS IBDP Assessment Calendarとして掲載されています。これらの課題の中には、DPコーディネーターが取りまとめ直接IBに送られるものがあります。校内の締め切りとIB本部の締め切りが異なる場合がありますが、校内締め切りに遅れた場合IB本部には提出しません。期日を厳守しないことは、校内の成績だけでなくDPの最終成績にも影響を与えることを生徒は理解するべきです。
A. Assessment schedule is determined at the beginning of the term/year.
Teachers are to study class objectives carefully to determine the assessment schedule. Summative assessments for each criterion will be considered first by contemplating the performance evidence teachers would like to collect to identify if students have actually gained ability such as knowledge, skills and attitudes targeted. After summative assessment schedule is determined, formative assessments will be planned to support students to be able to demonstrate ability in summative assessments. Therefore, we use various formative and summative assessment strategies. Alongside traditional student observation, research projects, individual and group presentations and written examinations, we employ process journals and differentiated assessment tasks, including performances and other alternative products.
A. 1年の評価スケジュールは年度初めに決定されます
B. Assessments are given to students with rubrics.
Assessment tasks are provided with rubrics. Students should know what efforts in what direction is required to successfully complete the tasks. Therefore, students before submitting their tasks would be able to self-assess their achievement levels. This self-assessment skill will enable students to become lifelong learners.
B. 評価課題はルーブリックと共に課されます
C. Criterion achievement level is determined using professional judgment best-fit approach.
Two tasks or more should be given to students to determine any criterion achievement level. When determining criterion achievement level, best-fit approach using criterion descriptors should be used rather than calculating by average.
Grade on scale of 7 is determined by achievement level total.
C. 各観点の到達度は教師の専門職としての判断「ベストフィット」を用いて決定されます
D. IB grades are determined on a scale of 7 using grade boundaries.
MYP Grade boundary given on MYP Coordinators’ Guide and DP grade boundary set by DP teachers should be used to determine IB grades on a scale of 7, 7 being the highest.
D. IBの成績は、換算表をもとに7段階評価を行います
MYP7段階の成績は、MYP Coordinator’s Guideに示されている換算表を用いて行います。DPの7段階の成績は、DP教員が作成した換算表を用います。
4 IB grades and national curriculum grades IB の成績と日本の成績
TGUISS bases its assessment on two systems:
1) IB assessment is a criterion-related assessment. A set of subject objectives and modified or published MYP criteria for each subject group and DP criteria set by TGUISS is given and explained to the students at the beginning of each school year and reinforced on an ongoing basis. These are included as well in an information packet given to guardians each year and are available for any stakeholder who may request them.
2) The National assessment is stipulated by Japan’s Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT). MEXT assessment is an objective-conformed absolute assessment utilizing various methods. The nature of assessment in both systems is similar in the sense that:
- both are not norm-referenced but criterion-based
- final grade is based on criteria
- both are assessed internally by certified teachers, and
- both provide accountability to students and guardians that leads to educational improvements.
(1) IBの評価は観点別評価です。MYPの観点は各教科により異なりますが、到達目標に関連した観点が使用されています。DPの観点は、科目の規定やカリキュラムを注意深く検討後本校独自に設定されたもので年度初めに生徒に周知されます。これらの情報は毎年度当初に保護者に配布される資料にも含まれています。
(2) 日本の文部科学省による学習指導要領に基づく評価は、様々な手段を利用した客観的な評価規準をもつ絶対評価です。
- どちらも規準準拠(相対的評価)ではなく、観点別評価である
- どちらも観点に基づいて最終成績が決定される
- どちらも教員が、校内で評価を行う
- どちらも教員は生徒と保護者への説明責任を持ち、生徒の学びを促進する
5 Reporting of grades 成績の通知
We report on summative assessment three times a year at the end of each term. Each student receives a report card at the end of terms 1 and 2 containing achievement levels for the relevant criteria and a final grade for each course, calculated according to the MYP grade boundaries published in the MYP Coordinator’s Guide and DP grade boundaries set by TGUISS DP teachers. At the end of the third term, year-end achievement levels and final grades are reported, with achievement levels for term 3 incorporated into a best-fit judgment for each criterion yielding a year-end achievement level and final grades. In addition, as a national school under the jurisdiction of MEXT, the final report card of each year includes grades adjusted to express the MEXT criteria and the MEXT grading system. MEXT grades are either converted from MYP grades according to the conversion policy stipulated by each subject department or assessed separately.
本校は、総括的評価の通知を年に三回学期末に行います。1・2学期は、その学期に行われた総括的評価課題で使用された観点の評価と、それに基づき換算表を使用し決定された学期の7段階評価(MYP, DP)または10段階評価(5・6年一般プログラム)が記入された通知表を各生徒に発行します。そして、学年末には3学期分(1年分)の観点別評価と評価が「ベストフィット」で決定され、生徒へ通知されます。また、日本の一条校として学年末の通知表には学習指導要領のシステムに基づいた5段階評定も通知します。5段階評定の決定方法は、IBの7段階評価より換算することも、別々に評価することもあります。
6 Grade management 成績管理について
All final assessment results are securely kept in the school database by the school’s academic affairs department, as well as in the form of students’ cumulative file, in accordance with MEXT policy.
We regularly review school assessment quality to improve our teaching toward enhancing student learning. Individual teachers, using the MYP and DP Unit Planner, review their assessment as an integral part of their planning for teaching and learning. TGUISS periodically holds meetings on assessment to review subject-specific vertical planning, internal standardization and alignment to the MYP guidelines and to facilitate whole-school horizontal planning and brainstorming for interdisciplinary units of work. In addition, non-MYP subjects—DP courses and non-IB courses—are assessed according to criterion-related performance assessment instruments, thus promoting continuity in terms of assessment policy across all years of education at TGUISS.
7 Academic Integrity 学問的誠実性
TGUISS stipulates its policy on academic integrity in this Student Guide. Cheating on assignments or during exams will automatically disqualify students from receiving scores on the task in question and may result in a zero for the criterion and/or subject or even all subjects as an ultimate disciplinary measure. Any dishonest use of computer devices, equipment, and information is strongly prohibited and is subject to disciplinary action on a case-by-case basis.
IB Programme Standards and Practices
IB Diploma Programme assessment: principles and practice
IB Guidelines for developing a school assessment policy